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Sault College Course Outlines
Course Outlines are organized by Program. Click on the program folder name to display course outline PDF files in that folder.
- Fall 1996 - 20 file(s)
- CET110 - Introduction to Computer Applications Fall 1996.pdf
- CET110 - Introduction to Computers Fall 1996..pdf
- CET311 - System Analysis and Design Fall 1996.pdf
- CET331-5 - High Level Language Programming Fall 1996.pdf
- COM101 - Computers in Child Care Settings Fall 1996.pdf
- COM125 - Integrated Office Management Fall 1996.pdf
- COM210 - Advanced Word Processing Applications Fall 1996.pdf
- COM210 - Advanced Word Processing Applications Fall1996.pdf
- COM401- Telecommunications Fall 1996.pdf
- CSD202 - System Analysis and Design Fall 1996.pdf
- CSD208 - Introduction to Cobol Programming Fall 1996.pdf
- CSD304 - Database Management and Design Fall 1996.pdf
- CSO100 - Introduction to Operating Systems Fall 1996.pdf
- CST100 - Computer Hardware I Fall 1996.pdf
- CST200 - Microprocessor Circuits and Systems Fall 1996.pdf
- CST202 - Assembly Language Programming Fall 1996.pdf
- EDP122 - PC Applications I Fall 1996.pdf
- EDP307 - System Prototyping & Presentation Fall 1996.pdf
- EDP319 - Data Base Management II Fall 1996.pdf
- MTH122-4 - Mathematics Fall 1996.pdf