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Sault College Course Outlines
Course Outlines are organized by Program. Click on the program folder name to display course outline PDF files in that folder.
- Fall 2015 - 63 file(s)
- CCT0100 - Construction Safety Tools F15.pdf
- CCT0101 - Rigging Hoisting and Material Handling F15.pdf
- CSD0104 - Programming Using Python F15.pdf
- CSD0120 - Introduction to Web Development F15.pdf
- CSO0104 - Introduction to Operating Systems and LAN F15.pdf
- CYC0101 - Substance Use Continuum F15.pdf
- CYC0102 - Child and Youth Care Methods I F15.pdf
- DRF0105 - Drafting and Blueprint Reading F15.pdf
- ED0124 - Healthy Foundations F15.pdf
- ED0134 - Creative Expression F15.pdf
- ED0135 - An Introduction to Early Childhood Education F15.pdf
- ED0141 - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication F15.pdf
- ED0274 - Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings F15.pdf
- ENV0102 - Industrial Health and Safety F15.pdf
- EST0113A4 - Nail Techniques F15.pdf
- EST0161 - Makeup Artistry I F15.pdf
- FDS0127 - Sanitation, Safety and Equipment F15F.pdf
- FDS0141 - Cuisine a la Carte I F15.pdf
- FDS0142 - Bake Theory F15.pdf
- FDS0143 - Techniques of Baking F15.pdf
- FDS0144 - Culinary Techniques - Basic F15.pdf
- FDS0145 - Food Theory - Basic F15.pdf
- FIT0108 - Personal Wellness and Lifestyle Change F15.pdf
- FIT0204 - Leadership III Special Populations F15.pdf
- FPD0110 - Introduction to Film Theory and History F15.pdf
- FPD0114 - Production I - F15.pdf
- FPD0116 - Pre-Production F15.pdf
- FPD0117 - Introduction to Post Production F15.pdf
- GAS0100 - Film Studies F15.pdf
- GAS0103 - What in the World is Going On F15.pdf
- GAS0109 Music and Popular Culture F15 W16.pdf
- GEN0100 - Global Citizenship F15.pdf
- HDG0122 - Personal and Academic Success Strategies F15 W16.pdf
- IVT110 - Field Placement Preparation for CICE F15.pdf
- IVT118 - Self Determination in the Workplace F15 (2).pdf
- IVT131- Field Placement II F15.pdf
- LIB0210 - The Great Thinkers Introduction to Philosophy F15.pdf
- MCH0121 - Machine Shop Theory Measurement F15.pdf
- MCH0134 - Materials and Fasteners F15.pdf
- MCH0144 - Machine Shop Practical 1 F15.pdf
- MKT0101 - Introduction to Marketing F15.pdf
- MPF0103 - Work Practices F15.pdf
- MTH0122 - Computer Mathematics F15.pdf
- NET0100 - Fish and Wildlife Studies I F15.pdf
- NRT0101 - Trees and Shrubs Identification F15.pdf
- NRT0123 - Outdoor Navigation F15.pdf
- NRT021 - Park Interpretation 15F.doc.pdf
- NRT0260 - Trail Construction and Facility Maintenance F15.pdf
- NSW0100 - Addictions Individuals Families and Community F15.pdf
- NSW0101 - Foundations for Balanced Practice F15.pdf
- NSW0114 - Understanding Aboriginal Wellness in Canada F15.pdf
- OAD0107 - Information Technology I F15.pdf
- OAD0108 - Spreadsheets Level I F15.pdf
- OAD0115 - Business Word Processing F15.pdf
- OAD0117 - Information Technology II F15.pdf
- PSW0120 - Principles PSW Practice I F15.pdf
- PSW0121 - Health Promotion and Health Challenges I F15.pdf
- PSY0120 - Lifespan Development F15.pdf
- PSY094 - Introduction to Psychology F15.pdf
- SSW0102 - Introduction to Concurrent Disorders F15.pdf
- SSW0121 - Social Welfare Policy & Practice F15.pdf
- SSW0300 - Community Organization Creating Sustainable Communities F15.pdf
- WLD0121 - Welding F15.pdf